TILT TABLES AND BEARINGS - The main cause of unwanted noise

Some of these vibration machine specs say they have high end motors and are very powerful. It's so funny when they claim how great there machine is when I look under the plate and see all the cheap bearings and low gauge tilt table.

The bearings they are using are usually quiet at first but as they get old the tilt mechanism gets much louder. (many of these machines get loud in just a few mounts. Some of the machines are quiet because they have a heavy steel structure around the base (these heavy machines absorb most of the sound). This often covers up a lousy motor and poor components.

They have the best vibration machine. Yea, sure they do!!

I know which machines people complain about the noise problems and it is NEVER when they first get it. It is always a few months later you hear them wining "my machine is noisssyyy. What should I do???)

I am seeing more and more these cheap vibration machines that almost look identical to the more expensive ones  (on the surface), without looking under the shell to see how cheaply made the bearings and components are). I've taken so many machines apart I can tell very quickly when I see a new machine if its gonna fail or not. I learned that I cannot always go by the manufacturers specs and the claims of these companies. Some are claiming they have a 1000 watt machine while others say theirs has 1500 watts and is not even half the power of the 1000 watt model being compared. The Zaaz 20k is only 400 watts and that is more powerful than 99% of the machines out there. So go figure.

I am tire of sales reps trying to make the whole conversation about power specifications but fail to tell you about what type of components are used in the tilt table (bearings, angle of tilt, how much amplitude is from the tilt vs just the length of the plate. (A vibration plate can be just "longer" and have more amplitude vs a shorter plate that has a more angular tilt mechanism which requires more power. A Nitrofit has a 21.5 inch plate and has a 23mm amplitude while the 27 inch plates only have 11mm but have a less angular tilt table. The higher the degree angle of tilt the more pop it will have with shorter plates.

So if the conversation is all about how this machine has more wattage or this many horsepower, just hang up. Next time I hear a distributor trying to convince me to buy their machine by saying how their 3 Horsepower machine is better than the 2 Horsepower machine I am simply gonna hang up. So, if its really 3 Hp, then since I know 746 watts equals 1 Horsepower, then how can their 1000 watt machine be 3HP. Well, its not, its peak power and the rated power after gear ratio and engineering factors.  A Ferrari and a Toyota can run off the same premium gasoline (input power) but it is how efficient the engine is burning the fuel generates the horsepower.

​Also what happens 2 years later when the motor loses torque and the motors age, they get noisy and the plate loses g force. Cheap industrial components make loud noisy machines. Most of the lightweight machines that have the rail and handlebars that are under 100 pounds are the most noisy. If you step off the platform on some of these just for a second the machine moves across the room and loosen up the tilt table mechanism.

update: everyone calls me up and asks which machines are really quiet. I am going to ask everyone to go to Sam's or Costco and get on a Zaaz. That is the quietest machine on the market. Even more quiet than the Vmax Pulser.
That will give you an idea of what the quietest machine sounds like and if you want to know what something like a Nitrofit sounds like, just imagine it 5 times as loud, like loud as if you can't talk on the phone will you are on it.

Take my quiz and let me know if noise is a concern. If noise is a concern this will eliminate about 90% of the machines I carry. Take my vibration machine quiz here.

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