Vibration Plate size

Note: I measure the plate from the actual standing area, not the plastic skirts that go around the edge of some of the plates. (Vmax Trio and Vibratrim VT400 older models that had the skirt). These are 27 inch plates but only had about 21.5 inches of actual standing room.

For those that do not know what the term "Plate" refers to it is the metal/plastic/rubber platform that is moved by the motor that you stand on. Not everyone gets to stand on all the platforms so I have to describe what each type feels like and which have more or less  ballistic impact. The tilt table make the biggest difference as that determines the amplitude and displacement. The weight of the plate also helps determine of the plate will have pop or push. Also a longer plate will have more push as it takes more momentum to move it and generate G force.

Unless a heavy gauge plate has a powerful motor, it will not have fast enough acceleration and the acceleration will be spread out over the whole motion. The very cheapest machines on the market that are low powered spread the G force over a longer time. If you imagine a graph where a Sine wave curve goes upwards very steeply while another curve goes up gradually. They both make it to thee same destination in the same time.

​Note: if the force is too sudden, just the opposite of a push, then the G force can be jarring on the joints and body. This is mainly what happens if the machine is too powerful when leaning back on your heels. When a company says their machine has 20 G forces, this force is only for a fraction of a second. Literally like a mili second. Depending on someone's weight there will be a sweet spot where when leaning on the heels the plate does not have too much push but not too much jarring pop. 

​Note: The machines I don't wear shoes with are the Zaaz 20k, Vmax Pulser 2, Vibeplate, or any with low ballistic impact. If I am not leaning back on my heels then it doesn't matter. With a Nitrofit, I only wear shoes if doing high acceleration workouts. Shoes absorb a lot of the friction but I recommend training without shoes as much as you can.

The length of the plate is the most important thing to consider when picking out a machine as the 27 inch plates like the Vmax Pulser 2 have more pop and the plates around 21 to 22 inches have more pop. Also consider if you want to get the maximum amplitude of the plate at 27 inches. To get 10mm amplitude on a plate that has that amplitude at shoulder width distance will feel different than a 27 inch plate where you get that same amplitude but have to stand really far apart. Tall people + 27 inch plates = a more natural stance. So, if you are doing lymphatic exercise and need lots of displacement, if you want to get just say 11 mm of amplitude and you are not going to stand on the tippy edge, then you might only be getting 5 to 6 mm amplitude at shoulder width distance.

The plates that have a 13 mm amplitude that have shorter plates make it easier to get the displacements on the tippy edges. The Nitrofit, the Hypervibe G10, and the Zaaz have shorter plates. So, shorter plates have their advantages while longer plates you can do squats and more dynamic exercises.

If anyone needs help deciding on a plate size, make contact. Based on the answers you choose on my vibration quiz I can try to pick out the right machine. This will help if you don't have the chance to try different machines. As a control, if there is a Sam's or Costco in your area, you can try out the Zaaz 20k to feel what a short plate with lots of pop feels like. Let me know what you thought of the machine.

Take my vibration machine quiz here.
Look at the plates on some of these cheaper models! It wouldn't surprise me if these came off a metal garbage can lid!

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Notice: If getting a larger size platform (27 inches) and not the shorter sizes that are around 18 to 21.5 inches, make sure the machine has a more powerful motor to handle the larger platform with higher mass. A larger plate is only good if the motor can power it especially when standing on the 27 inch edge. The new Vmax Pulser 2 now has the larger motor. The older version had the 500 watt motor and performance was lost with heavier people.