The acceleration of pivotal plates is the first thing I look for when picking out this type of vibration machine. Most of these brands that I have never heard of go to 14 or 20 hertz but some have half the G force even the same speeds.
A machine that has a 27 inch plate versus a 21 inch plate will feel totally different. The lighter plates like the Zaaz or Nitrofit (which Sam's and Costco sells) have a strong pop acceleration that just say a Vmax Pulser 2 or Vibratrim VT500 Pro doesn't have. Both types are top selling machines but one person will either like the pop or the "push" type better.

​The amplitude is the 2nd thing I look for. Some machines have really low, 7 mm amplitude all the way up to 13 mm amplitude. The average amplitude is 10 to 11. Higher amplitude is what I look for when I am picking out a machine to drain lymph. If I am looking for a good machine for bone density I look for a lower amplitude like the Vibeplate or the Hypervibe. 

The machines with a lower amplitude run smoother at higher speeds and have less ballistic impact. The Nitrofit is the extreme as far as aggressiveness while the Hypervibe G17 is all the way at the other spectrum of machines. All the machines I've reviewed fall in between these. If I had to pick a perfect middle between these two it would definitely be the Zaaz 20K. Nothing feels like the Zaaz. It's the most sine wave like.

Note: when I test out a machine, I always lean 100% back on my heels and do this for at least 10 minutes. The Zaaz with its medium pop strength never bruises my heels. With a more aggressive machine if really trying to rock the hips and get the strongest flush, with something like a Nitrofit I wouldn't use it without shoes. I felt like I ran down Stone Mountain 5 times the first time I went on this. But for doing intense workouts where I'm not leaning on my heals 100%, the Nitrofit gave me the most aggressive workout.

Most people like everything comfortable. Like having air or gels in their shoes.Many people don't enjoy the Nitrofit or a high G force machine at the high displacement speeds because its a challenge. People let their comfort ultimately guide their entire workout and the potential health goals they had that never get obtained.

Note: just because a machine is a low speed like just say a Zaaz 20k, this does not mean it is cheaper or worse. The Zaaz is actually almost as expensive as the Hypervibe G17 which is the most expensive high acceleration ones I've compared. The reason both of these are so expensive at opposite G force extremes and speeds is the impact of G force right upon acceleration. This is where the costs come into play. The Zaaz has signature feel that is different than any other machine I've been on. If there is a Costco or Sams in your area, Id call them to see if there is one you can try in your area. If you buy a machine from me and it's different than the Zaaz, you can see which one you like better. Like I said, the Zaaz is the middle of everything. Medium G force, super smooth like a sine wave, and ahas the least ballistic impact of any machine I ever used.

The Zaaz wastes no friction from the motor into the frame. You can hold the handlebars and you don't get and resonation. The Nitrofit, now thats another thing. Also, if someone is over 200 pounds, with some machines you might have to change the Gates belts often. If anyone weighs 200 pounds or more please check with me. When leaning back on your heels the machines loose momentum and when you hear that bogging down sound these are the type that have the most belt breakage problems.
Zaaz 20K
Lowest G force


Highest G force
The Hypervibe and Zaaz are the two tope machines I've reviewed. About half my friends that come over and try both, I have to say about every other person likes the Hypervibe and the other half of my friends like the Zaaz. Both of these machines have the most pop of all the machines I've tested. The spiral mode offers that feel good vibration while the 2nd motor pivots the plate back and forth.
I have a Nitrofit but trying to explain how lymph is moved by leaning on their heels is not the conversation I like to get into unless someone has a lymphatic issue.

I know it is hard to pick out a machine when you don't have a chance to try it out first unless you buy it. I strongly urge people to really research my site on the differences on each machine and each type of vibration. Or just take my quiz and I will do the work for you. I will recommend the machine based on your answers.
Go to my Hypervibe Review Page to review the high acceleration models
Go to my Zaaz Review Page to see my review on the Zaaz 20K - low ballistic impact model
Go to my Nitrofit Revie page - high displacement high G force - strong lymphatic
Go to my Vmax Pulser Page - this is my all time best selling vibration machine.
Special for those wanting to try all 4 types, of machines. The first one (Zaaz 20K) you can try at Sams or Costco. The other three I have. Assuming you are going to keep the one you like the best, here is my offer
Buy a Vmax Pulser, get a free Nitrofit Plus
Buy a Zaaz 20K, get a free Nitrofit Personal. (call for availability of this offer)

These offers are not good with any other offer or sale price. We charge exact shipping on the free machine.

Lymph Drainage Review
See my lymphatic Concerns page

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PowerVibe - VMaxFitness - DKN - Turbo Sonic - VIBEPLATE - TheraVibe - HyperGravity - VibraTrim - WAVE - HYPERVIBE - ZAAZ 20K - VIVOVIBE -  VIBRATHERAPY
...because every manufacture told me their machine was the best
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PowerVibe - VMaxFitness - DKN - Turbo Sonic - VIBEPLATE - TheraVibe - HyperGravity - VibraTrim - WAVE - HYPERVIBE - ZAAZ 20K - VIVOVIBE -  VIBRATHERAPY
...because every manufacture told me their machine was the best
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